
Thursday, March 26, 2009

Almost forgot...

When we had the ultrasound yesterday, the tech noticed a "pretty good sized" cyst on my right ovary. The nurse practioner did not seem concerned, and she said its common in early pregnancy. So therefore I am not too worried either.

I go back in 4 more weeks for another ultrasound to check on the cyst. While I am not happy I have a cyst, I am happy to get another ultrasound!

Anyone with any experiance with cysts during pregnancy, please comment with your story! Pin It


Samantha said...

Girl, be happy that you have that cyst! I have one too. It's 3mm and on my left ovary and it hurts like ovulation pain. It's a very good thing! It's called a corpus luteum cyst. Google it. The egg is released from the corpus luteum follicle. If you don't get pregannt, the CL dissolves and AF comes. But if you get PG, the CL stays and becomes a cyst and gives off progesterone, which helps sustain the pregnancy throughout the first trimester until the baby is able to take over and do it on it's own (I think the placenta does this). It should subside by the end of the first tri. Hooray!

PeasOut said...

Thanks Samantha! We really are practically having the same pregnancy! lol. I feel much better knowing its not just me!

Jenni said...

Samantha is right on - Its pretty normal for women to get these. It lets the Dr's know what ovary you released an egg from.. Hahah I released my egg from the left side and out came Tristan.. :)
I'm so excited for you!! I can't wait to start seeing U/S pics and find out what the names you pick etc.. So fun!! :0)

Samantha said...

You're welcome! I'm glad I could help ease your mind. I know how easy it is to get worked up over everything during pregnancy! :)