
Sunday, May 17, 2009

Weekly Update - 14 Weeks

How far along? 14 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: +0.8 (-1.2 this week)

Maternity Clothes? Still not wearing any yet.

Stretch Marks? Not yet! I have continued the nightly ritual of slathering on a mix of Vitamin E and baby oil. Hopefully, it does the trick but only time will tell!

Sleep? Yes, Please! I'm still consistently tired all day.

Best moment this week: Looking at even more crib bedding with Scott.

Movement? Well, none I can feel!

Food Cravings: Soft serve ice cream, specifically swirl cones. Jamba Juice. I could eat it every day.

Gender: This week I'm feeling boy!

Labor Signs: nothing

Belly Button in or out? In.

What I miss: BEER!

What I am looking forward to: Vacation! We leave for Wisconsin on Wednesday!

Weekly Wisdom: Don't use all but the last of the TP and leave it for someone else to change. Chances are you will pee 4 times before any one else does, and you'll be stuck with the end of the roll.

Milestones: Nothing I know of....
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1. Samantha said...

lol, cracking up at your weekly wisdom! and i'm so jealous that you aren't in maternity clothes! i've totally switched over in the shirts and i'm desperately in need of mat pants. the rubber band trick only worked for so long with my work pants. they are currently unbuttoned.

2. PeasOut said...

I have only managed this long without maternity clothes due to my trusty bella band! I don't think anything would fit otherwise!

3. Erin said...

I'm really hoping to see the both of you when I get home. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that my flights and my parents are on time to pick me up! I hope the wedding goes well and I'll see you both soon hopefully.

Oh yeah...I also think you are the cutest pregnant lady EVER! You look great!

4. PeasOut said...

We better work it out! I will be oh-so-very sad if we miss you!!!

And thank you!

5. Scott said...

when you say leave the TP for "someone else" to change, you do realize that I'm the only other "someone else". Alexus doesn't count, she has her own bathroom.

6. PeasOut said...

Actually, I was talking about at my moms house. I change it right away at our house, I know where it is! I dont' know where Mom keeps her TP, and I didn't feel like looking for it. Although, that did not work out to my benefit at the end. So there were two other "someone elses" who actually live there who could have changed it. :)