
Friday, June 26, 2009

Nursery Progress!

Chair Rail is up! Good job guys!

What else can I make my poor husband do at 9 pm on a Thursday? Oh, I know!!

So, all the furniture is in! Eek! I can't wait to really start deorating! Although I will, because I think if Scott hears "What about *this* for the nursery?" any more in the next month or so, his head may just explode. So wait I will. Which I think is good, it'll give me time to focus on other things. Like daycare. :)

What do you think of Webster's room? Pin It


Samantha said...

OMG! Look at you! You have a real NURSERY!!!!!! Hoooray! I think it looks great so far. You've got all of the basics in there, now you just get to add all of his "stuff" that you accumulate. Woo hoo!

Stacey said...

adorable. i love the chair rail.

Jamie said...


It is becoming so r-e-a-l.

Anonymous said...

The chair rail really finishes it off great, perfect touch.
You are getting there