How far along? 19 weeks
Total Weight Gain: + 6 (+1.4 this week)
Maternity Clothes? I bought another pair of jeans this weekend. I can still technically wear my pre-pregnancy jeans, they just aren't very comfortable. Which kinda stinks, becuase I'm not quite big enough for the maternity jeans yet. I have to keep pulling them up all the time. But I wore them today and yesterday. I'm hoping they will shrink a little in the legs when they come out of the dryer. But we shall see.
Stretch Marks? Still nothing! And I hate the smell of cocoa butter, by the way. But my skin feels better, so I guess its working?
Sleep? Seriously, when does the exhaustion end? I am still tired all.the.time. I have stopped planning things for the afternoons because I am just so wiped out!
Best Moment This Week: ALmost done with the nursery re-dec! Obviously, I'm not almost done with everything, but all the BIG things are done/almost there. This weekend I painted, bought curtains and rugs, and we bought all the supplies for the chair rail. I think Scott said he plans on installing it next weekend. Which is good timing, because our crib she be here sometime next week!
Movement: Oh yeah! I feel him all the time now. He's active first thing in the morning, a little around lunch, and then right before bed. Nothing on the outside yet.
Food Cravings: Chocolate. Weird.
Gender: BOY!!
Labor Signs: Nothing.
Belly Button In or Out? Still in, but I think it's on its way out.
What I miss: Energy.
What am I looking forward to: Choosing a name!
Weekly Wisdom: Olympic Premium paint from Lowes literally has no odor. :)
Milestones: Working on the nursery! Pin It
That is so exciting that you can feel him now! The nursery is really starting to come together. The chair rail is really going to look great. Can't wait to see more!
Any name ideas you want to share?? :)
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