
Sunday, November 1, 2009


That word has a new meaning to me. Here I sit, cuddled on the couch with my husband, my dogs and my newborn son. And I have never felt more at home.

Especially now that I have gotten a shower. :) Pin It


Hunter's Mom said...

Yay! Welcome home! And Yay for taking a shower!

Jamie said...

Glad you are home!!

Baby Mama said...

Congratulations! He is perfect and beautiful! Can't wait to see more pictures and read the birth story! -Katie

Leigh said...

So glad you are home!

Kacy Hughes Photography said...

Mya-Wow congrats! Can't wait to see more pictures. Glad it went well...I'm assuming anyway!

Stacey said...

Showers will do wonders! And nothing will make you feel more at home then bringing hone a baby. It's like everything feels complete!