
Friday, January 13, 2012

Life in our home

First of all, I can't believe I went this long without blogging. Holey moley. Anyway moving on.

Well, Wyatt is 2, and acting every inch of it. He is funny, and loving, and awesome. We've seen Kacy again, and our photos are awesome as usual. 

Wyatt is in 24 mos/2T, almost exclusively 2T. 

His vocabulary is through the roof! I am amazed sometimes at the things he says. Wise beyond his years. 

He likes to Cheers! at dinner. 

He loves dinosaurs (specifically Dinosaur Train) and trains. He likes puzzles and books. 

We spend time with Miss M, and he asks to see her almost every day. 

I'm going to show this to them when they're older. 

She is just gorgeous isn't she!

Just like her Mama. Go visit Lisa for more!

We see alot of Miss Aria

and her mom as well! More on the Fabulous Fays here!

My sister is home from her European escapades, and we've been getting some much needed Auntie Anna time!

Wyatt is well on his way to being potty trained. We have him in cloth trainers (no pull ups for us!) and he stays dry all day! Still accidents at nap though. But hey, he's 2. What more to expect?

We've been to more zoos, which he loves. He likes the monkeys and the elephants the best. And his animal sounds are HIlarious. 

He gets caught in belly laughs and happy screams that melt heart. 

Ah yes, the Other Woman. Miss M has some serious competition right here! We watch Hosanna every day after school, so that we can both take advantage of the part time rates at preschool. 

That's right. He's a stud. 

Meet Wyatt, 2 years old. 

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Unknown said...

You have a gorgeous family! Wyatt's adorable! So glad you're updating!