
Friday, April 3, 2009

Two steps forward, one step back....

Socks is behaving much more like himself now. He is not "better" by any means, but he is on the road to recovery! Last night, while we were doing his IV, he tried to bite Scott for stabbing him. YEAH!!! All we could do was laugh. He is showing much more moxie, and is fighting our torture methods more and more. Also, this morning, he peed. I know, I know. The glory of the pee is that he has enough fluids in him to need to pee. So we were thrilled. Our bedsheets, however, were not as happy and went straight into the wash. So basically we will continue this treatment plan until Socks start to eat on his own again. He still hates the baby food...

Aaaand, we step back. We took one of our other dogs in this morning because he didn't eat ANYTHING yesterday. Rocky has had a little diarreah, and a little vomiting since Wednesday. I picked up the same antibiotics we were given for Socks and we've been doing that twice a day to try and be proactive. Last night we noticed that his energy level was definately sinking. He has still been drinking on his own, but him not eating was a big flag. And sure enough, he has parvo. So we will start him on the same course we have Socks on. Rocky has always been a little bigger, stronger and healthier than Socks, so hopefully he won't be hit as hard. And I'm hoping that since we started him on the antibiotics so early, he'll pull through much quicker.

I am sorry I haven't had many baby related things to comment on lately, I've been a little distracted by my furbabies. Poor little guys... Pin It


Jamie said...

That is horrible! I hope they make a speedy recovery.