
Monday, June 8, 2009

What a great weekend!

Friday was pretty mellow. Scott and I stayed in and watched movies. He had a very early tee off for the Golf Benefit on Saturday, so he wanted to turn in early.

Saturday I had a nail appointment, and then headed on over to visit Scotts sister (AT HER HOUSE!!! YEAH!!!). Then we headed grabbed Alexus and went to Mark and Melissas for their first BBQ of the summer. You may remember them from our AWESOME New Years trip to Rocky Point.
I have to say that I am discovering that I am having fun at these drinking events. I don't usually attend these sober, so I was nervous as to how the evening would proceed. Don't get me wrong, I'm not an alkie, I'm just not used to being the ONLY sober one at the party. However, it wasn't as different as I thought.

I hung out with friends....Had a few laughs...

Played some beer pong (um, water for me please?)
Got thrown in the pool....

Aah yes, we made a few new friends (Shawn, Aeren and Coral). Shawn is above with me an Alexus, and Aeren threw me in the pool. However, I do have to claim full responsibility.

All in all, a pretty awesome time!

Sunday was the Arizona Bridal Expo. I helped Jamie with her booth last year, and she asaked if I'd come help again! Can I just say that Jamies new stuff rocks the house?! It makes me want to get married all over again!!

I was scoping out a couple for inspiration for the baby shower!

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