
Sunday, July 5, 2009

Weekly Update - 21 Weeks

How far along? 21 weeks

Total Weight Gain: + 9 (+2.0 this week). I freaked a bit at the 2 lb jump, but my Dr. says "Good! You need to start packing on the pounds!". I don't think I'll switch to an all donut diet, but it's nice to know that I'm still where I should be.
Maternity Clothes? I have actually discovered a new way to wear my Bella Band (all the way up like a maternity panel instead of folded at the top of my pants), so I'm back in pre-pg jeans! lol. I wonder how long I'll be able to get away with this. :)
Stretch Marks? Still nothing! And I hate the smell of cocoa butter, by the way. But my skin feels better, so I guess its working?
Sleep? I'm still pretty tired most of the time. Not getting up in the middle of the night as much. Sleeping deeper too I think.
Best Moment This Week: Mexico! Bikini on the beach for sure!
Movement: Oh yeah! I feel him all the time now. He's active all the time. No outside movement yet. I think I am starting to feel it from outside, but Scott can't feel him yet.
Food Cravings: Still Chocolate. Still Weird.
Gender: BOY!!
Labor Signs: Nothing.
Belly Button In or Out? Still in. On a semi-related note, I think I am starting to (faintly) develop a linea negra. (the dark line from bra to pants that pg ladies get)
What I miss: Energy. Raw sushi. Being drunk in Mexico.
What am I looking forward to: Choosing a name! (Reminder, though I may call him Webster, that is NOT his name! Just to confirm for those of you new to the blog!)
Weekly Wisdom: While pregnant, go to the spa as often as possible. mmmmm.....
Milestones: I don't know. I survived Mexico pregnant?
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Samantha said...

DH finally felt Brayden kick last Thursday! I hope it's soon for you! Isn't it so fun feeling them move right now?