
Monday, October 12, 2009

101 in 1001 - Goal #63 Completed!

#63 - Buy a new mattress for our bedroom

Scott and I went to Mattress Firm last night and picked out our new mattress! Ours was def getting old and it was just time.

I was pretty pleased with the level of service we received there. The sales woman was very nice, and not very pushy. She had us lay on this mattress that figures out how your weight is distributed, and recommends a comfort level of Pillowtop, Firm or Plush (soft, firm, in between). I was on the firmest end of pillowtop, and Scott was pretty much in the middle of the plush section. So we chose a "Plush" mattress and I am so excited!!

Scott is very budget minded, and when he went directly to the "discount" section (my words, not theirs) the sales woman didn't even try and steer us to the more expensive options. I was very impressed. We ended up choosing the Bombay Plush

We weren't able to actually get the mattress last night, but Scott will be picking it up on his way home from work tonight! I cannot wait to go to sleep tonight!
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