How far along? 35 Weeks
Total Weight Gain: 27 lbs (+4 this week) Somehow I don't believe this, but I guess the scale doesn't lie. Maybe its water weight; my rings stopped fitting yesterday too....
Maternity Clothes? Everyday! Somehow I have managed to still be able to wear tops from the Juniors section, just in one size up. I bought 3 new t-shirts, 2 new tank tops and a top from the Jr's section aat Kohls this week. I think they'll be good for the transition period between pregnant and pre-pregnant size.
Stretch Marks? Those suckers are beginning to sneak up on me! I found two (on my BUM!!) this week. They were def not there last week. The one I thought was creeping up on my boobs have responded well to the baby oil/vitamin e that I use, and have almost completely faded. Hopefully the other ones (on my bum!!!) will follow the same path.
Sleep? Ah. Sleep. I feel like I never get enough. I am always tired. But the reality of the situation is that I cannot possibly sleep any more than I do. I am literally in bed around 8:30 every night (9 ish on the weekends) and I sleep until the very last moment in the mornings. Scott and I have been toying with the idea of a new mattress (any recs?) and I hope that helps me sleep deeper.
Best Moment This Week: Maternity pictures!! I'll be sure and let you know when my teaser pics are posted!
Movement: He has sleep and awake patterns, and the sleep ones make me nervous. I feel better when he's moving all the time. I am also not able to tell you what is what. I know where his feet are, but I couldn't tell you if I feel his head or his bum...
Food Cravings: Meatloaf. Mashed potatoes. Pumpkin everything.
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Nope. Although I have started noticing the Braxton Hicks. Nothing consistent, not even daily, but they are there!
Belly Button - In or Out? Still just flat.
What I miss: Beer. I want a beer. Standing up unassisted.
What I am looking forward to: Todd and Colleens wedding next weekend!
Weekly Wisdom: I really wish I had more wit for this section. It's always pretty boring.
Milestones: 35/35! We're down to a month left! Holey buckets, this is sneaking up on me.
I have stretches on my behind too! WTH?
I haven't been able to wear my rings for months, but my feet just got REALLY swollen this past week...swelling must be something common for week 35!
Oh, and I know he's head down, but I'm the same way, I can't tell what is what!
We're getting there! 30 days!
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