
Thursday, October 22, 2009

37 Week Dr. Appt

BP- 120/70 (I think she said 70) which is actually high for me.
Websters heartrate - 133
Weight - Up. lol thats all they told me.
Fundal Height - 38 (wowzas! thats a little bigger than I was expecting, but it explains why I keep bumping the belly into things)

Well, everything went well. I got a referral for physical therapy for my back pain (yay!!) and we made a new appointment for next week. I've chosen not to have any internals until 39 to 40 weeks, unless medically necessary, so no updates on my cervix.

Its a little surreal to me. We're now full term, but this appointment was no different than the last ones. We'll see where we go from here! Pin It


Erin said...

I am so excited!I am so excited!I am so excited!I am so excited!I am so excited!I am so excited!I am so excited!I am so excited!I am so excited!I am so excited!I am so excited!I am so excited!I am so excited!I am so excited!I am so excited!I am so excited!

Samantha said...

Psssh on your 38. I measured 40 yesterday. ;)