A friend of mine recently inquired as to what type of cloth diaper we plan on using. So it has inspired a post! Mainly because my facebook isn't updating to my blackberry, so I can't write you back. :)
I cannot claim to be an expert on CDing (especially since our son hasn't even arrived yet!), but I can tell you what the experts do say, and show you where to get more info! I took the following info from pinstripesandpolkadots.com a leading supplier of cloth diapers.
Different Diaper Types:
Flat Diapers - flat diapers are large squares or rectangles of fabric that are folded up and used for diapering. Not in common use today but recommended for camping or international travel where hand washing and line drying may be required.
Prefold Diapers - Rectangular diapers that require less folding than flat diapers. Diapers come in various sizes to fit from newborn to toddler. Diapers can be folded in many ways to meet varying needs.
Fitted Diapers - Rectangular diapers that require less folding than flat diapers. Diapers come in various sizes to fit from newborn to toddler. Diapers can be folded in many ways to meet varying needs.
Pocket Diapers - pocket diapers are designed to be trim, easy to use diapers without sacrificing washability or extending drying time. Diapers are made with a stay dry interior fabric and a waterproof outer fabric. The two layers form a pocket that an absorbent pad can be placed into. Slide the absorbent pad into the diaper, for a quick and easy to use diaper.
All-in-Two (AI2) Diapers - AI2 diapers are designed to be easy to use diapers without sacrificing washability or extending drying time. Diapers are designed with shells and soakers. Soakers can be exchanged with shells throughout the day so more soakers are needed than shells.
All-in-One (AIO) Diapers - all in one diapers are a one piece diaper solution. No pieces to put together. Wash and dry all as one piece.
One-Size (OS) Diapers - one-size diapers merge the convenience of a designed diaper with economics.
There are pros and cons to each of these types of diapers and if you ask around to CDing moms, everyone will have their own favorite. There really isn't a wrong choice.After doing some research and thinking about what was most important to us (drying time vs price vs convienience etc) we decided on the One Size All-In-One Organics by Bum Genius.
We loved the ease of these diapers (work just like a traditional disposable, velcro and all!), the organic material is a nice touch, and we (theoretically of course) will never have to buy another diaper, since they grow with the baby from 10 - 35 pounds. At which point he hope that Webster will be potty training. We have just over 30 diapers in our "stash" in 4 or 5 different colors.
One of the more common gripes about these diapers is the drying time. Since all the layers are built right in (and so absorbent) they take longer in the dryer than the other diaper types. While a quick drying time would be nice, we don't have anything to compare them to, so it doesn't bother us!
Once we have actually used them, I'll be sure and keep you posted! Also, this blog has much more info, from a mom who actually has a baby! Please let me know if you have any questions, and I'll do my best to answer! Pin It
Thanks for this post, I've been curious.
Thanks for the info. I'm actually thinking about making the switch to cloth diapers. So many of my friends have gone that direction and I really love their reasoning for doing it - healthier for baby, healthier for the world!
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