Now I don't know about you, but there are waay more than 5 things that I do that annoy my husband. I was sort of inspired by this post, so I decided to continue it in the blog today. These are the things I do that I am sure annoy Scott.
- I use the toilet paper until the roll is completely gone. And then I don't always change it.
- I leave my shoes all over the house.
- I never clean without being asked to.
- I leave make up all over the bathroom counter.
- I say I'm going to go to the gym, and then I don't.
- I read until all hours of the night.
- Talk about babies.
- I will snooze (happily) for hours on end, sometimes I even set my alarm for ealier than I need to just so that I can snooze.
- I spend hours researching stuff for FP.
- I make him look at all the stuff I've researched for FP.
- I will not stay on the phone with him if I'm in the car with only one other person. However, I'll talk the whole way if I'm talking to someone else.
- I can never enjoy "now" because I'm too worried about the future.
- I eat pretzles and cream cheese for dinner more nights than not.
- I wake up early on the weekends.
- Talk about babies.
- Borrow his car and don't put the mirrors or the seat back when I'm done.
- Never cook dinner.
- Leave my car trashed.
- Spend money.
- Spend his money.
- Talk about babies.
- Talk on the phone during rush hour.
- Put dirty dishes next to the sink instead of in the dishwasher.
- Fill the trash and don't take it to the garage.
- Keep stuff on my dresser.
- Oh, and talk about babies. :)
All this, and he still loves me. I'm the luckiest girl alive.
What are some of the things you do, that your special someone loves you through?
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