In case you don't remember in my last post I was talking about the Moby wrap I love so much and whether or not I should try and make my own. I did a little research, and decided to put my mother to work. I can do a lot of things, and most of them well. I can obsess, I can watch tv, I can run a glue gun, even blog faithfully (ha!). One thing I cannot do is sew. I am lucky enough to have a mother who can. So I put my mom to work making a Moby for me. You have to remember, I never do things the sane way. I had my mother make two. Now, in case you're new to the blog, I don't actually have a baby. So what do I do with two new Moby wraps I can't use? Give them away! I gave one to my husbands co worker Stephanie for her baby shower, and the other to my mom's co worker who just had a baby (following IVF. Yay Angie! Congrats!).
My mom had fun making it, and my dad thought the idea was so cool, they had the idea that we should start selling it. My father is a member of the local Downtown Farmers Market and has been for years. I showed my mom the Hooter Hiders, too. And we found a free pattern online! So they want to start selling them in his booth on Saturdays. Which is just fine by me! So I start thinking more about it. I can't call it a Moby Wrap. That would be stealing. I can't call it a Mya Wrap, they exist too. Pea Pod is out, there is already a sling by that name. My uber creative dad suggests "baby carrier" and "nursing cover". Thanks dad. That was helpful. I talked to my friend Kim about it. She says "Ooh! You should call it a Joey Wrap!" Which I immediatly fall in love with. And Joey's is born. So we now have a Joey Wrap and a Kanga Kover. (please excuse the grainy quality. blogspot is having picture upload issues, so I have to go through Photobucket. You'll get the full effect of the logo if you click on it. by the way, I made it myself, with just a little help from Neighboor Melissa!)

I'd like to expand our offerings as well. There are so many really cute, and manageable things for babies right now! I bought the pattern for a boutique travel wipes case, and on Saturday my friend Colleen and I took it for a test drive. I wanted to see how well this "No sew pattern" really worked. They came out awesome!

We also wanted to try and do a monogrammed one for Colleen. She wanted a less feminine pattern, for her son Calum. We came up with this.

I am little sad at how the photos came out. They really don't do them justice. I hope to have one of my friends (who is not camera tarded like me) take a few more.
I don't have any pictures of the Joey Wraps yet, But I hope to soon! I'll let you know when I do! I hope to eventually have enough different items to put together a gift basket package. I'd like to have a Joey Wrap, Kanga Kover, Wipe case, changing pad, burp cloths and blanket set. All in coordinating patterns. Here's hoping! Pin It
WOW Mya!!! Great job, they look great!! When I do finally get knocked up I will definatly be getting some of these from you.
Great job Mya! I am pround of you. This is a fantastic idea.
These are so awesome Mya!! Of course you'll be the one I go to when Matt and I are blessed with a child!!
Yay!!! I know I have told you time & time again... but you inspire me!! I want a baby so bad because of you and your findings (weird reason to want a baby I know)... I will wait until I have everything lined up and right the way it should be... but I am so excited to finally get there because when I do there are all these great things that I have learned from you that I will put to use!!! Cloth diapers.... Joey Wraps, etc.
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